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About Us:

Good Shepherd Paxtang is a mid-size Lutheran Congregation in a residential section of Swatara Township, east of the City of Harrisburg. You will find us in the 3700 block on the northeast corner of Rutherford Street and Wilhelm Road. Parking is available on neighborhood streets, with additional spaces available in the parking lot behind the church building, accessible from Montour Street.


We welcome anyone who wishes to hear and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to become a part of our assembly. We are delighted when anyone, no matter who you are, feels the call to worship among us, for a day or for a time.





























The Rev. Kathleen J. Baker, STM

(Pastor Baker)

Nick Werner

Director of Music

Beth Fine

Church Administrator

The Rev. Kester T. Sobers III

Pastor Emeritus

Herbert O. Fowler

Cantor Emeritus


Our Staff: 

On Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. we have a brief liturgy of Word and Sacrament in St. Mary's Chapel for those who cannot attend on Sunday. 


On Sunday mornings at Good Shepherd you will find a gathering of friendly people responding to God's call to be filled with His presence.

We celebrate Word and Sacrament at each liturgy, held at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the Nave.      

Adult Faith Formation, a time of study and fellowship, is held at 9:45 a.m. in the Gathering Room.  


Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. you will find friendly people gathered about Word and Sacrament in the Chapel.   An informal coffee hour follows this spoken liturgy each week.


The main entrance is located on Rutherford Street, but if you need an accessible entrance (ramp), please park along Wilhelm Street and come in through the side Wilhelm Street door.


Our Building:

Our Saint Mary Chapel is accessible from the stairs on Wilhelm Road or from the Montour Street parking lot (behind the church).  The entrance is marked with a white rectangular sign from the Montour Street parking lot that reads "Chapel Entrance." There is a handicapped-accessible chair lift just inside this entrance. This beautifully restored worship space was our original nave.


Our church building also hosts the following:​

  • House of Shiloh Outreach International Church meets in our Chapel Sundays at 11:30 a.m.

  • Keystone Concert Band practices in our community room Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. 

  • Cub Scout Pack #42  meets Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in our community room

  • Ready for School, Ready to Succeed of Central Dauphin School District meets periodically at the church on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

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  2025 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

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